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Monthly Archives: December 2014

On the 12th Day of Christmas…

12thOn the 12th Day of Christmas…

UWS CES brings to you…

TWELVE Careers Tips from Famous People

Have a great Christmas Vacation…

Celebrate your achievements…

And if you get the opportunity… do a little bit of Networking! 🙂


On the 11th Day of Christmas…

11thOn the 11th Day of Christmas…

UWS CES brings to you…

ELEVEN tips from Disney

We’re very close to vacation time now, so thought it was time for some fun!

Ever thought that you’d like your life to be like a Disney movie?

The link below provides a compilation of lessons learned from 11 Disney movies, and translates them into practical suggestions for enriching your life.

We managed to come up with career connections for each of them too… Can you?



On the 10th Day of Christmass…

10thOn the 10th Day of Christmas…

UWS CES brings to you…

TEN LinkedIn profile tips

Your profile has a powerful impact on your career. It’s a snapshot of who you are, and your 24-hour recruitment tool.

Click here for LinkedIn’s 10 tips for building a great student profile

On the 9th Day of Christmas…

9thOn the 9th Day of Christmas…

UWS CES brings to you…

NINE tips to dress for success

In job-hunting, first impressions are critical. Do not underestimate this! Remember, you are marketing a product – yourself – to a potential employer. Will dressing properly get you the job? Of course not, but it can give you a competitive edge and provide a positive first impression.

Many would suggest that you shouldn’t be judged by what you wear, but the reality is, that you will be!

Read more… 9 Essential Tips for Dressing for Success



On the 8th Day of Christmas…

8thOn the 8th Day of Christmas…

UWS CES brings to you…

EIGHT interview tips

(times two!)

Getting an interview is an achievement in itself – it means you’ve convinced the recruiter that you’re capable of doing the job.

Never is personal branding more important than when you’re going for a job interview, particularly if it’s a job you really want, yet most of us go into an interview feeling nervous and powerless. With that mindset, it’s hard to feel genuine and comfortable in your own skin, so making sure you are thoroughly prepared will help you to feel more confident and give you the best possible chance for success.

Read more…

8 Tips to Graduate Interview Success from TargetJobs

8 Essential Interview Tips From a Recruiter – Undercover

On the 7th Day of Christmas…

7thOn the 7th Day of Christmas…

UWS CES brings to you…

SEVEN ways to improve your CV

A degree on its own is not enough to impress employers! They are looking for well-rounded candidates with a set of transferable skills such as planning, organising, customer care, teamwork and communication.

You have many opportunities to pick up new skills and experience throughout your time at university that will be of value to your future, though:

  • Work placements & internships
  • Gap year
  • Summer jobs or part-time work
  • Voluntary work
  • Extra-curricular activities
  • Academic achievements & coursework
  • Online or continuous learning (after graduation)

Read more…


On the 6th Day of Christmas…

6thOn the 6th Day of Christmas…

UWS CES brings to you…

SIX Ted Talks

Winston Churchill said: “A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” 

Job seeking can be stressful and difficult and thinking positively about the process can certainly be helpful and empower you to be successful in your search. By taking Churchill’s advice and seeing this time as an optimist, filled with opportunity, you can better present yourself to potential employers and increase your chances of landing a great job!

This collection of 6 Ted Talks will not only shed light on positive thinking and happiness but may also help you tap into your own brighter side:

staying motivated job search

On the 5th Day of Christmas…

5thOn the 5th Day of Christmas…

UWS CES brings to you…

FIVE Golden Rules…

The 5 New Rules of Job Search

Recruiting practices have changed with the growth of social media and also with the tough job market we have been experiencing. This article provides some ideas on how you can  ensure you are up-to-date with recruitment trends to help you to stand out from the crowd. (Don’t assume this article is not for you due to your age!)

On the 4th Day of Christmas…

On the 4th Day of Christmas…

UWS CES brings to you…

FOUR CV Styles

There’s a lot more to landing your dream job than writing a simple CV. But remember it’s what employers typically see first, and their decision to interview you [or not] is often made in the blink of an eye. Your CV is your marketing tool, and must provide a positive first impression.

There is no perfect format for a CV. For graduate jobs in the UK the conventional, ‘reverse chronological’ style is often the most appropriate, but there are occasions, depending on sector or personal circumstances, where a different approach is best.

Chronological CV

Used to match your qualifications and work experience with the requirements for the job role. It is structured in reverse chronological order i.e. the most recent qualifications and experience are listed first.

This type of CV makes it easy for employers to identify potential candidates. This format allows you to provide clear details of your qualifications, work history and responsibilities which match the criteria provided in the job description.

Skills Based CV

The skills-based CV, also known as a functional CV, can be used if you have gaps in your employment history. This type of CV is also useful if you have limited experience or you are applying for a job which is not related to your degree subject.

The skills-based CV allows you to focus on the skills you have developed in various areas of your life which are transferable to different roles and employers.

Academic CV

Academic CVs are focused on your academic achievements and are used when applying for lecturing or research-based roles, including post-doctoral research.

Your research and academic achievements, research interest and specialist skills should be placed on the first page, if possible. Ensure your writing style is scholarly but clearly understood to those outside your field of interest.

Creative CV

Students and graduates seeking to establish themselves in the competitive world of the creative industries need to demonstrate a range of qualities and skills, if they are to stand out amongst the scores of applicants for every opportunity. The message will be conveyed not simply by words, but by the visual integrity of the document, by attention to detail and by originality.
Click here for some inspiration on Creative CVs.
Check out the Creative CV Guide book in the University library for more advice on this.

On the 3rd Day of Christmas…

3rdOn the 3rd Day of Christmas…

UWS CES brings to you…

3 R’s of Job Hunting

In school we learned the 3 Rs of Reading, wRriting and aRithmetic. For job-hunters it’s Research, Relevancy and Resiliency:


As a job-hunter you need to research and determine:

  • what are your marketable skills;
  • which industries/companies you should target that use those skills;
  • what are the specific needs of each company in your target market;
  • who’s in a key position to hire you in those companies
  • what’s the best way to approach them?


Your skills need to fit an employer’s needs. You need to demonstrate that you can solve the employer’s hot buttons [their corporate weaknesses – this could be sales, market development, research ops]. Remember it’s not about you it’s about THEM!   Employers’ initially only want to know three things about you:

  • Can you make them money?
  • Can you save them money? and/or
  • Can you increase their efficiencies?

As global competitiveness increases, employers will be looking for all three of the above. You need to clearly express your relevancy – “Value” – to an employer.


Resiliency is the ability to spring back from disappointment and keep moving forward. This is a quality which keeps you focused on your goals and driving forward on a daily basis.

Adopt a positive mind set no matter what. (Watch out for Day 6 for more on this!)


Adapted from Guerrilla Marketing for Job Hunters.